Body Language - what it means and how to read it

Body Language is the art of seeing what others are thinking and is a relatively new area of study. People form 90% of their opinion of  you in the first 90 seconds they meet you. You can practice positive body language to such extent that you can change your life particularly in relation to how others perceive you. Let Simon give concrete examples of how body language has changed world history, particularly in relation to politics and the Royal Family.


Simon has been a teacher and school principal for 59 years. He started studying Body Language in 1978 after meeting the author of the The Definitive Book of Body Language, Alan Peace, and in the mid 1990s he ran training sessions with political candidates in body language and public speaking.


8:30pm @KHOU by Signature Wines, 65 King William Street, Kent Town

Also speaking at this location at 6:30pm is Michelle Holland