10 Years of Cancer Survivorship Advocacy

Improvements in cancer diagnosis and advancements in cancer care mean more individuals affected by cancer are living longer. Cancer treatments often come with significant long-lasting side effects. The experience of cancer also extends beyond the individual and can have profound long-term and lasting impacts on loved ones and carers.

Over the last 10 years I have seen the term 'Cancer Survivor' become broadly accepted and generally defined as an individual living with or beyond cancer. With this, the requirement for ongoing support and follow-up care has also gained greater recognition.

Evidence-based Cancer Survivorship™ principles which encompass the broad and varied needs of both the Cancer Survivor and their extended networks, continue to develop and the emphasis on a patient-centred approach is becoming the norm.

In this context I ask: How have advancements in Cancer Survivorship understanding impacted the lives of Cancer Survivors and those around them?

From the perspective of a Cancer Survivor and Advocate, I will explore how Cancer Survivorship in the Australian setting can play out.


With a background in orchestral performance, education, and management, Monique is a powerhouse volunteer patient advocate. Unable to return to work when cancer treatment left her with severe lymphoedema, she directed her skills toward advocating for affordable care for individuals affected by lymphoedema. 
Monique received the 2022 Local Hero SA award and the 2022 Joy Noble Medal and continues to advocate for National lymphoedema care policy change.


6:30pm @The Colonist, 44 The Parade, Norwood