When it comes to diet, can we really eat everything in moderation?

It was Oscar Wilde who coined the expression "everything in moderation, including moderation". But while "everything in moderation" is an accepted approach for general balance across a range of things, could it also hold true for healthy eating? If we have a balanced diet and eat all our veggies, will this justify a sticky doughnut? In this talk, I will  delve into the scientific evidence behind eating in moderation and find out about what it can mean for you.


Dr Evangeline Mantzioris, Program Director of Nutrition and Food Sciences at UniSA, is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and Sports Dietitian. Evangeline regularly appears on radio and television, is an author and contributor to The Conversation. Evangeline's research interests include fats, Mediterranean Diet, sports nutrition, and the environment-food nexus.


8:30pm @Reform Distilling, 91 Little Rundle Street, Kent Town

Also speaking at this location at 6:30pm is Wala Truscott