Secrets of the electric stomach

We eat, we chew and we poo. These are the conscious actions of digestion.

But in between these acts, the body is busy breaking down and extracting nutrients, a process we take for granted until it goes awry. Gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gallstones and bloating impact up to 40 percent of the general population. Yet we hear little about these disorders and know even less about how to treat them. Could the secret lie in the electric stomach?

Like the heart, the stomach generates rhythmic electrical pulses to process food. This talk will explore links between that electrical activity and gastrointestinal disorders. It will also introduce the cutting-edge techniques that researchers are developing to diagnose and treat stomach disorders based on electrical activation – offering a spark of hope for the millions of people worldwide who suffer from gut health issues.


Dr Tim Angeli-Gordon is a biomedical engineer, Rutherford Discovery Fellow and head of the Laboratory for TrAnslational Research in Gastroenterology and Emerging Technologies (TARGET Lab) at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute. His research focuses on developing new techniques and technology for diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal disorders and translating those innovations into the clinic.


8:00pm @Good George, 1 Jellicoe Street, North Wharf, Auckland 1010

Also speaking at this location at 6:30pm is Craig Sutherland