Changing reality with stories

Find out how fiction can shape our attitudes to rights, freedom and responsibility.

Stories are never innocent. They are also ever-present: we consume countless narratives every day. We see stories in movies and TV shows, but also on our social media, as well as in news coverage of sport and political events. These accounts have the power to change our behaviour.

Did you know that novels can be connected to recent real-world events? Tom reveals how our lives are shaped by stories and how the lines of contemporary fiction can explain resistance to climate action and social conflict.


Tom van Laer is an Associate Professor of Narratology at the University of Sydney and an expert on how stories build reality. His papers are published in leading academic journals and major news outlets in Australia and Europe. Though he has won awards for his academic work, Tom counts winning his high school's story recital competition in 1995 as his most impressive achievement.


Tuesday 9 April, 6:00 PM @The Abercrombie - Club, 100 Broadway, Chippendale, NSW 2008

The other talk at this location is Can your health be programmed like an app? at 8:00 PM


Located at Broadway, the Abercrombie is a historical icon offering a multi-level experience, championing inclusivity, diversity, and expression.