
Is the over-regulation of trans kids a human rights problem?

Transgender children traverse a complex experience at a time when wider society is still struggling to understand transgender issues generally. Learn about the legal system in plain language as Tara asks, what message do our laws send to our transgender children?


Tara is an academic, writer, public speaker and human rights advocate.

They are enthusiastic about the areas of administrative, intellectual property and entertainment law. Their 2017 thesis focused on the over regulation of transgender youth amounting to a human rights violation. They are particularity interested in the inherent tensions between morality and legality and the social move towards deregulated forms of justice.

Tara is currently completing their practical legal training and studying C# programming to create interactive VR landscapes as an empathy tool.

5:30pm @Meat Market in The Stables,  2 Wreckyn Street (corner of Wreckyn Street and Courtney Street) North Melbourne VIC 3051.

*Please note this venue has been updated as of 7 Novembe

Also speaking at this location at 7:00pm is Dr Elly Scrine and at 8:30pm is the Centre for Multicultural Youth.

This venue is wheelchair accessible. 
This is an alcohol-free venue. 

Please reach out to knowledge@melbourne.vic.gov.au to request an Auslan interpreter for this event.