Auckland City, what a pity

On returning to Auckland in 2000 Julie Stout was dismayed to see what an unloved, shabby place our central city had become. Twenty years on it would be nice to say a lot has improved – but has it?

The central city is again in trouble. With more road cones and construction trucks than people on the streets, it's hard to see the way forward.
Will a phoenix rise from the ashes? Do we have to reinvent our city (again)? And has Covid changed the way we should build the world around us?

It is not too late to realise Auckland City's magnificent potential. Using experiences gleaned from masters students' design projects at the School of Architecture and Planning, Julie will describe a future Auckland that connects to the wairua/spirit-of-place often lost in the urban environment and encompasses the many cultures that make up the unique fabric of Tāmaki Makaurau.


Julie Stout is an Auckland architect, urbanist and activist and a Professional Teaching Fellow in the masters programme at the School of Architecture and Planning.

Earlier this year, she was awarded the Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Gold Medal for lifetime achievement. She is the first woman to be so honoured.

With her late partner David Mitchell, Julie has designed some of New Zealand's more notable architecture, but it is the wider canvas of the city that takes up a lot of her time. For the last 20 years, she has led campaigns to make Auckland a better city, including legal action protecting the Waitematā from a possible Ports of Auckland expansion and pushing for better buildings and public spaces.


8:00pm @The Birdcage, 133 Franklin Rd, Freemans Bay

Also speaking at this location at 6:30pm is Anna Brooks