How might emerging politics and biotechnologies, such as artificial wombs, affect our world? Contemporary science fiction experiments with different and innovative  modes of literary representation, challenging readers' thinking and making possible more inclusive visions of the future. This talk discusses the ethical value of diversity and openness in contemporary sci-fi and explores how it reflects modern life and imagines life in the future


Zachary Kendal is a PhD candidate in Literary and Cultural Studies at Monash University, co-editor-in-chief of Colloquy: Text, Theory, Critique, and a librarian at Monash University Library. Evie Kendal is a PhD candidate in the Centre for Human Bioethics at Monash University, and the author of Equal Opportunity and the Case for State Sponsored Ectogenesis (2015) and numerous articles and book chapters on the representation of reproductive biotechnologies in science fiction. Zac and Evie are involved in organising the upcoming conference (Un)Ethical Futures: Utopia, Dystopia and Science Fiction, to be held in Melbourne on 15–17 December 2017.

8:00 PM @LOOP Project Space & Bar, 23 Meyers Place, Melbourne VIC 3000

Entrance over 18  |  The venue is wheelchair accessible.

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