It’s election season. Sausages will soon be sizzling at polling booths around the state and voters will flock to participate in our paper and pencil democracy. Sure, there is some nostalgic value in current voting approaches, but how could our democracy benefit from online voting, and what are the challenges? 

With an international team of cryptographers and statisticians, Vanessa Teague has spent the past decade considering how Australian elections could benefit from online voting without exposing our democracy to widespread, undetectable fraud. She’s still working on it.


Vanessa Teague is a cryptographer at the University of Melbourne, specialising in online privacy and applied cryptography. She is on the board of advisors of Verified Voting, a non-partisan organization working for accuracy, integrity, and verifiability of elections. She has been interested in election security ever since observing the Bush-Gore debacle first-hand (which was several debacles ago).

5:30 PM @Horse Bazaar, 397 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Entrance over 18  |  The venue is wheelchair accessible.

Also speaking at Horse Bazaar @7:00 pm is Son Vivienne