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can computers make us happy?

Digital technologies have made their way into all the aspects of our lives - everything from social relationships and curiosity to engagement and learning, which, according to psychology, influences our wellbeing. How can technologies be designed to help us live happier and healthier lives; not just more productive but more meaningful, engaged and filled with deep personal connections. 



Rafael Calvo is a professor at the University of Sydney, and ARC Future Fellow. He has taught at several universities, high schools and professional training institutions, including Carnegie Mellon University, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), University of Cambridge and the University of Memphis. Rafael also has worked as an Internet consultant for projects in the US, Australia, Brazil and Argentina. He is the recipient of five teaching awards for his work on learning technologies, and the author of two books and many publications in the fields of learning technologies, affective computing and computational intelligence. Rafael is Editor of the Oxford Handbook of Affective Computing and co-author of “Positive Computing” (MIT Press) with Dorian Peters.

6:30 PM @ The Whitehorse 

* Entrance over 18


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