The roiling controversy surrounding the dual-citizenship of politicians has reanimated discussions about the need for constitutional change. It has been estimated that in modern multicultural Australia, nearly 50% of the population are ineligible to run for Federal Parliament. This seems deeply wrong. As our Constitution creeps towards 120 years old, could this perhaps be the catalyst to re-engage us in the vital process of maintaining and reforming our Constitution? Is it time that we confront the big ideas that may shape our country for the next century – Republicanism, Indigenous Recognition, a Bill of Rights, a rebalanced Federalism? This talk examines whether our Constitution still fit for purpose, and if not, we may go about fixing it.


Dr Joe McIntyre is a Senior Lecturer at the UniSA School of Law. Originally from SA, he completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge examining the nature of the judicial role. In the last five and a bit years has taught at five different Universities on three different continents, including the UK, Canada and Australia. He research explores the field of judicial studies, from the theoretical foundation of the judicial role, to ideas of dissent, judicial method, accountability and procedural reform. He believes making the law and the legal system as broadly accessible as possible, and makes regular appearances on radio as well as through new media platforms.

8:30 PM @The Maid - Front Room, 1 Magill Rd, STEPNEY



Also speaking at The Maid at 6:30pm is Maria Giannacopoulos

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